Obviously the anglers there have little imagination because most seem to be struggling despite being on this particular bait. As usual I have gone my own way and have chosen a bait about as far removed from what the fish are used to seeing as possible rather than jumping on the bandwagon. To me there is no reward or merit to following the herd, I can only gain satisfaction from working out the puzzle myself and taking the 'old school' route of doing my own thing.
So I set out to establish my own bait and results have steadily increased over the past few weeks to the point where I have been catching well, and in fact better I believe than most people who are on the mainstream established bait. My rigs though fairly simple have evolved also over the last few weeks with little tweaks here and there to maximise their effective hooking potential. The fish in this lake, though not big, are very cute and rig shy, and have demonstrated on several occasions their ability to 'get away with it '. I am now pretty confident that my rigs are working pretty well combined with the baiting situation I am using, which is always something that should be taken into consideration when deciding what rigs to use in a given situation. Sadly due to the high density of silver fish in the lake, being a club water, there is little room to use anything other than larger, harder baits, and as I am not keen on using particles such as Tiger nuts over the long term, boilies and large one's at that, are really the only option.
I've really been enjoying the fishing thus far and seeing my bait and rigs steadily begin producing some good results, however one piece of the puzzle that hasn't yet come together here is catching the bigger fish. The lake record stands at about 25lb ish, and there is a fair head of Carp in the lake to get through to reach the better fish. Having said that, many of the Carp are only 20lb plus at the right time of the year, i.e. winter and spring, so maybe I am worrying unduly as I have been getting a few fish in the 18 and 19lb bracket, which will obviously break 20lb later in the year. I have had one scraper '20' which was clearly still empty after spawning. I'm not sure just how many '20's there are at this time of year, but I would imagine not too many, maybe half a dozen at a guess so hopefully in a few weeks I should start to see a few more in my net.
I haven't bothered to photograph many fish as I have been catching so many, most of which have been in the 13- 15lb bracket but I have taken snaps of one or two of the better fish when I have had a photographer handy to save me doing self takes.
The stamp of 'double' I've been getting.
An 18lb 8oz Mirror.
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