Friday, 12 July 2013

Stinking hot July Carping !

July, and it's stinking hot. Not my favourite time of year and not a great time to re immerse myself into Carp fishing ! However I have been doing a bit on a local water and with some immediate success. I've been fishing just mornings for a few hours while it's still relatively cool and the sun isn't too high. Once it is too high of course the Carp just bob up to the surface like corks and have no interest in feeding, then it's time for me to leave. One of my short sessions yesterday was quite busy and I landed four Carp all in double figures in a short space of time. Three of the fish were commons to around eighteen pounds and I also had this nice looking Mirror of just over Eighteen pounds as well.

Tactics for this lake are very standard fair I'm afraid due to the large number of silverfish present, 18mm Boilies fished over a scattering of the same keeps the Carp coming and the silvers at bay most of the time ! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Coming home

Well, here I am again back on the Coarse fishing.....
To tell the truth I'm not that surprised really, I've been struggling with my physical ailments for quite some time now and having attempted some saltwater fishing this year I'm afraid it has only served to aggravate my condition. So that's it I think, no more saltwater fishing for me, certainly not any adventurous trips anyway such as climbing up and down cliffs or long hikes along shingle beaches ! I had no real ambitions with the saltwater fishing apart from to catch fish. You have to take what you can get with saltwater fishing unless you can really put the time and effort in and there is so much against you all the time, not withstanding health problems on top!
I still have a lot of ambitions to achieve in coarse fishing however, so having turned 44 years old yesterday I have decided it's time to fulfil those dreams !

I left off the last blog entry here talking about a special little local water with a very nice stock of desirable residents in the form of Carp, I did pretty well there last year for the short time I was on the water and to tell the truth though I caught some nice fish, I didn't catch any of the fish I really wanted to catch apart from maybe the first one, the fully scaled. I had fish to 34lb and whilst that may be a nice fish weight wise, it isn't always about weight, though it's a nice bonus if you catch a good looker at a good weight !
So I'm toying with the idea of having another go to try and finish what I started, and depending on what sort of deal I can work out with the owner on the price of a ticket I may well begin a campaign on the water in a few weeks time.
In the meantime however I will just be fishing the local club waters to get back into the swing of things, much as I did last year, it's important for me to gain my confidence in my methods again and hone my skills before moving onto anything 'serious' !

I'll try and keep the reports coming and busy the blog up a bit with what I'm doing and how I'm doing it as I go along, in the meantime here are a few pictures of some of the fish I had last year at the special water.